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GitHub Repo of the Software Engineering in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Workshop Series

Workshop on Software Engineering for Cyber-Physical Production Systems (SECPPS)

9th Meeting of the SECPPS Community, 2nd edition at the SE conference


Software plays an essential part in the efficient operation of modern production systems. While variability and complexity represent key challenges for cyber-physical production systems, software design in production systems is still a neglected topic. The SECPPS workshop series aims to promote modern software engineering solutions to the challenges of cyber-physical production systems and foster interdisciplinary discussion.

This workshop edition is co-located with SE 2025.


Dienstag Vormittag

9:00-10:00 Opening und Keynote

Sandra Greiner, Bianca Wiesmayr: Opening and overview
Rick Rabiser: Software Engineering in Cyber-Physical Systems: Mastering Variability and Evolution

10:15 - 12:00 Diskussionsbeiträge

- Malte Lochau: Real-Time-Aware Reconfiguration Strategies
- Holger Eichelberger: tba
- Kevin Feichtinger: tba 
- Virendra Ashiwal: Comprehensive Framework for Facilitating the Deployment of Distributed On-Premise Analytics Applications in Resource-Constraint Environments
- Leonie Schicketanz: tba 
- Friederike Bruns: Correct-by-Construction Design of Industrial Communication

12:15 - 13:00 Socializing

Call for Abstract submissions

In addition to invited talks, we solicit abstract submissions for talks on the topics of the workshop. Depending on the number of submitted talks, we envision talks of 10-15 min length.

Your submission may address one of the following topics:

Submission Information:

Abstracts for talks will not be published and will undergo a light-weight review process by the organizers. Please submit an abstract (about 250 words) outlining the topic and contents of your talk via email to Bianca Wiesmayr with the title “SECPPS Workshop 2025 Abstract”

Important Dates:


Please use the registration system of SE25 to register for the workshop.


For any question or need of further information about the workshop, please do not hesitate to contact the workshop organizers:

Bianca Wiesmayr, Sandra Greiner