Welcome to Rick Rabiser’s Homepage

Welcome to Rick Rabiser’s Homepage

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. (CV)rrabiser
Professor for Software Engineering in Cyber-Physical Systems,
Head of the Cyber-Physical Systems Lab,
Head of the Christian Doppler Lab VaSiCS,
JKU-Head of the JKU/Dynatrace Co-Innovation Lab,
Linz Institute of Technology,
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria,
Altenberger Strasse 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria

Email: rick–dot–rabiser–at–jku–dot–at
Phone: +43 732 2468 4363
Administrative Assistant: Ursula Schwarzgruber
Email: ursula–dot–schwarzgruber–at–jku–dot–at
Phone: +43 732 2468 9494
Office: LIT Open Innovation Center (ground floor)

Information for Students

I have no explicit office hours, but if you need anything, e.g., information on the courses I teach or about available projects, Bachelor’s theses, and Master’s theses, or just want to chat, do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail at any time and we will arrange an appointment. Information on courses is available in KUSSS.

Research Interests

I’m interested in Software Engineering (research), especially on:

  • Variability Modeling/Management and Software Product Lines
  • Software Architecture (Quality) and Modularization
  • Software Reuse
  • Software Maintenance and Software Evolution
  • Real-World Case Studies (with Industry and Open Source Systems)
  • Industry-Academia Collaboration
  • Usability Studies (of (Software) Engineering Tools)
  • SE in Cyber-Physical (Production) Systems
  • Distributed Software Architectures and Handling of Data
  • Systematic Literature Studies and Building Bodies of Knowledge


I’m an expert in Software Engineering (research), especially in:

  • Systems and Software Product Lines
  • Variability Modeling and Management
  • (User-Centered) Product Configuration/Derivation
  • (Systematic) Literature Studies and Surveys
  • Usability Studies/User Studies
  • Industry-Academia Collaboration and Case Studies
  • Monitoring of Software(-intensive) Systems
  • Domain-Specific Languages
  • Software Architectures/Design and Modularization
  • SE in Cyber-Physical (Production) Systems
  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Object-oriented Programming/Design
  • Requirements Engineering

Word Cloud of my publication titles

word cloud (generated here)

Current Projects

(also see Current Work)

Christian Doppler Laboratory for Mastering Variability in Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CDL VaSiCS)

  • Feb 2021 to Jan 2028
  • Partners: Primetals Technologies Austria GmbH
  • Staff: 8+
  • The CD Lab aims to conduct applied basic research focusing on methodological support for mastering variability in Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS).
  • CDL VaSiCS
  • Current Work

JKU/Dynatrace Co-Innovation Lab

  • Feb 2021 to Dec 2024
  • Partners: JKU, Dynatrace Austria
  • Staff: 2 Post-docs (full time, for two years)
  • JKU Projects: Co-Innovation Lab, LIT CPS Lab (SECPS Group)
  • The aim of this lab is to perform trans-disciplinary, original scientific research between industry and academia on recent computer science topics, particularly from the areas of software engineering, artificial intelligence, and data science.
  • Co-Innovation Lab
  • Dynatrace Research

JKU/Dynatrace Co-Innovation Lab (Period 2)

  • Jan 2025 to Dec 2027
  • Partners: JKU, Dynatrace Austria
  • Staff: 2 Post-docs (full time), 1-4 additional TBD
  • JKU Projects: Co-Innovation Lab, LIT CPS Lab (SECPS Group)
  • The aim of this lab is to perform trans-disciplinary, original scientific research between industry and academia on recent computer science topics, particularly from the areas of software engineering, artificial intelligence, and data science.
  • Co-Innovation Lab
  • Dynatrace Research

Software Engineering in Cyber-Physical Production Systems

  • Feb 2021-...
  • Partners: JKU, TU München, Universität Stuttgart, TU Wien, and many more
  • Community: 50+
  • The workshop series and community on Software Engineering in Cyber-Physical Production Systems (SECPPS) aims to discuss new approaches and methods for the design of software for use in the production systems domain, which follows the latest trends from the software engineering domain. Additionally, the workshop will address the challenges in adopting state-of-the-art software engineering tools and techniques to the automation domain and discuss various approaches to tackle the issues. Particularly, we are currently facing a dramatically increasing complexity in the development and operation of systems with the emergence of Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS). This demands for more comprehensive and systematic views on all aspects of systems (e.g., mechanics, electronics, software, and network) not only in the engineering process, but in the operation process as well. Moreover, flexible approaches are needed to adapt the systems’ behavior to ever-changing requirements and tasks, unexpected conditions, as well as structural transformations.
  • SECPPS Homepage

Services for Research Communities

(only recent, please refer to my CV for the full list)

Steering Committee Memberships


Program Committee Memberships (only last 5 years)

SWQD 2019, VaMoS 2019, VSPLE Track@SAC 2019, SEsCPS@ICSE 2019, SEKE 2019, SPLC 2019, MODEVAR@SPLC 2019, WEESR@SPLC 2019, SASI4@ECSA 2019, Workshop on Configuration 2019, SBES@CBSOFT 2019, Software Quality Days 2020, VaMoS 2020, SPLC 2020 (Research Track), SPLC 2020 Doctoral Symposium, VariVolution@SPLC 2020, Workshop on Configuration 2020, SASI4@ECSA 2020, Software Quality Days 2021, VaMoS 2021, SE 2021, ACM Student Research Competition at ICSE 2021, SEKE 2021, INDIN 2021, SPLC 2021, VM4ModernTech@SPLC 2021, VariVolution@SPLC 2021, WEESR@SPLC 2021, MODEVAR@SPLC 2021, SWQD 2022, VaMoS 2022, SE 2022, SEKE 2022, SPLC 2022 Doctoral Symposium, SPLC 2022, MoPro’22@Modellierung’22, TD4ViS@SPLC 2022, VariVolution@SPLC 2022, MODEVAR@SPLC 2022, SASI4@ETFA 2022, VaMoS 2023, SEUH 2023, SEKE 2023, INDIN 2023, SPLC 2023, ETFA 2023, VaMoS 2024

Organizing Committee Memberships (only last 5 years)

Reviewer for Journals and Magazines

Information and Software Technology (IST), Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), Data and Knowledge Engineering (DKE), Science of Computer Programming (SCP), IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), Software Quality Journal (SQJ), Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), IEEE Software, IEEE Transactions on Service Computing (TSC), Computer Languages, Systems and Structures (COMLAN), ACM Computing Surveys, Journal of Universal Computer Science (Special Issue on Knowledge-based Configuration), ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), Springer Computing (COMP)

(Guest) Editor for Special Sections/Issues in Journals

Awards/Honorable Mentions


Personal Interests/Hobbies

  • Running
  • Hiking
  • Traveling
  • Photography